This is my I Am: video. I am: a trans ally.
I am a writer, a daughter, an entrepreneur, a woman, a dog trainer, a bisexual, and I am a trans-ally. I’m speaking out because there’s way too much focus on what’s in your pants instead of your head. I’ve heard the horror stories of harassment from my transgendered and transsexual friends. I’ve heard about being denied a job or fired from one, about being sprayed with a hose while walking your dog, about being threatened just for daring to go out to eat or grocery shopping. Transpeople are people first and foremost, and no matter what gender or lack thereof they choose to go by, it isn’t anyone else’s business. Being trans isn’t an illness or moral shortcoming. Asking to be labeled as a woman, man, or neither isn’t shoving anything in anyone else’s face, it’s just a request for the same respect and dignity they show you. I’m tired of my friends being legally beaten and discriminated. I vow to stand up for my trans-friends by calling out hate and discrimination, and by asking them what they need and want instead of making decisions for them.